I create query to dump out the various (voter history) databases I wish to compare to Postgres 'views'. A 'view' in Postgres is essentially and 'in memory' table. There's more to than that but...:
Select * from voterdb where statuscode = 'I'; -- 'I' for 'inactive'
The unique voter registration number isn't quite reliable as a primary key over time (in my humble opinion) so I use a 'unique tuple' (ARRAY[lastname,firstname,middlename]) of my own invention.
Something like ARRAY[lastname,firstname,middlename,registrationnumber::TEXT] would be even more unique. You also need the 119 precincts of LD 42.
--By Age
drop view Inactive;
Create view Inactive as
Select ARRAY[lastname,firstname,middlename],precinctid,(2014 - extract(year from birthdate)) as AGE
From inactive092314
Where ARRAY[lastname,firstname,middlename]
not in
(Select ARRAY[lastname,firstname,middlename]from inactive090514);
Select count(age),age
From Inactive
Group by age order by count DESC LIMIT 10;
Select count(age),age
From Inactive
Where precinctid in (Select precincts42 from ld42)
Group by age order by count DESC LIMIT 10;
-- By Precinct
drop view Inactive;
Create view Inactive as
Select ARRAY[lastname,firstname,middlename],precinctid
from inactive092314 where ARRAY[lastname,firstname,middlename]
not in
(Select ARRAY[lastname,firstname,middlename] from inactive090514);
Select count(precinctid),precinctid
From Inactive
Group by precinctid order by count DESC LIMIT 10;
Select count(precinctid),precinctid
From Inactive
Where precinctid in (Select precincts42 from ld42)
Group by precinctid order by count DESC LIMIT 10;
/* This query is too computationally intensive for an entire voter database (nrow * ncol = 5M plus records):
Select Count(RegistrationNumber) from voterdb091014 where statuscode = 'A' and
registrationnumber NOT IN (Select RegistrationNumber from voterdb091914);
I found using select Postgres 'views' (as below) with 'NOT EXISTS' more optimized.
SELECT Count(registrationnumber) FROM voterdb090514 where statuscode = 'A';
SELECT Count(registrationnumber) FROM voterdb091914 where statuscode = 'A';
Select ((SELECT Count(registrationnumber) FROM voterdb091014 where statuscode = 'A')
- (SELECT Count(registrationnumber) FROM voterdb091914 where statuscode = 'A')) as difference;
SELECT Count(registrationnumber)
FROM voterdb090514
WHERE statuscode = 'A'
-- may want 'WHERE statuscode= 'A''
FROM voterdb091914
where voterdb091014.registrationnumber = voterdb091914.registrationnumber
SELECT precinctid,Count(registrationnumber)
FROM voterdb090514
WHERE statuscode= 'A'
FROM voterdb091914
-- may want 'WHERE statuscode= 'A''
WHERE voterdb090514.registrationnumber = voterdb091914.registrationnumber
) Group By PrecinctID Order By Count DESC LIMIT 20;
drop view UsersGone42nd;
drop view UsersGone;
drop view UserArray;
drop view UserArray1;
Create View UserArray AS
SELECT statuscode,precinctid,ARRAY[lastname,firstname,middlename] as array
FROM voterdb090514
WHERE statuscode = 'A';
Create View UserArray1 AS
SELECT statuscode,precinctid, ARRAY[lastname,firstname,middlename] as array
FROM voterdb091914
WHERE statuscode = 'A';
Create View UsersGone AS
Select *
FROM Userarray
where NOT EXISTS (
FROM Userarray1
where UserArray.array = UserArray1.array
Create View UsersGone42nd as
Select precinctid,Count(*)
from UsersGone where precinctid in
(Select precincts42 from ld42)
Group By PrecinctID Order By Count DESC;
--- with addresses
drop view UG42nd;
drop view UsersGone42nd;
drop view UsersGone;
drop view UserArray;
drop view UserArray1;
Create View UserArray AS
SELECT *, ARRAY[lastname,firstname,middlename] as array
FROM voterdb090514
WHERE statuscode = 'A';
Create View UserArray1 AS
SELECT *, ARRAY[lastname,firstname,middlename] as array
FROM voterdb091914
WHERE statuscode = 'A';
Create View UsersGone AS
Select *
FROM Userarray
where NOT EXISTS (
FROM Userarray1
where UserArray.array = UserArray1.array
) Order By precinctid DESC;
Create View UG42nd as
Select *
from UsersGone where precinctid in
(Select precincts42 from ld42)
Order By precinctid DESC;
Create View UsersGone42nd as
Select precinctid,Count(*)
from UsersGone where precinctid in
(Select precincts42 from ld42)
Group By PrecinctID Order By Count DESC;
Select Sum(ballotcounted_1::INT) from UsersGone where ballotcounted_1 = '1';
Select Sum(ballotcounted_1::INT) from UG42nd where ballotcounted_1 = '1';
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