Sunday, September 29, 2019

Google geo-location data: rdata.table code and Google Earth screen shots

Below are some R console pictures from some work I have being doing with my five years for Google data location history. I have looked for other open source routines that analyze this type of data with rdata.table but had no luck.  I have placed my code here:  Code development is ongoing.

I am bit gob-smacked at the frequency and accuracy of Google's geo-location data logging. But on a technical level, I don't know why I should be. There is a lot of discussion about this regarding law enforcement, intelligence community and commercial use of this data. (There is also a simultaneous discussion of hacked cellular routing protocols like ss7.)  I am still trying to decide if this is good or bad or just the world as it is now and will be forevermore. For now, "comprehensive" is my best description of Google's location data. Click to enlarge charts and screenshots. Plotting your positions on Google Earth Pro requires the aggregation or subsetting appropriate to a 2500 lat/lon position limit.