Tuesday, July 10, 2018



## Ryan Matthew Ferris 10:26 PM Thursday, November 19, 2015, 2015 Bellingham, WA

## Updated 7/10/2018

## *Notes on 187.5/16 or 11.71875*


# In this code, I introduce 'xi'  (11.71875) a constant with strong relationships to both pi and # exp(1).

# 'Xi' (11.71875 or (187.5/16)) is a 'translator constant' between powers of 2 and 16.

# Search google for "11.71875mhz" and you can see this. 11.71875mhz is a widely used frequency in 'crystal resonators'.

# More than simply being an efficient means to compute pi or exp(1) (e.g. 'Eulers number'), 'xi' may

# 'interpolate' between pi and e, giving science the means to measure logarithmic growth patterns of

# increasing radii. This may make it useful for gravitational and rotational calculations. It is

# possible that the 187.5 cm-3 pc represents some fixed attenuation limit  (see

# http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.05245) for radio waves signal that require either boosting or

# chirping.  The relationships between pi, e, and xi(187.5./16 = 11.71875) may represent fixed

# constants descriptive of all  EM signaling. In addition, the constants that describe the

# circumscription of an octahedron (sqrt(1/2) and sqrt(1/6) can also be used to derive xi with a

# factor close to 9/16.


## A number of constants and function names are used. Some are reused:

# [1] "almost2" "aR"      "c2"      "cR"      "eR"      "F_pe"    "F_pi"    "findpi"  "i"       "j"       "k"       "k1"    

# [13] "k2"      "l"       "l1"      "mm1"     "p1"      "p2"      "piR"     "pR"      "pX"      "s4"      "seqe"    "seqpi" 

# [25] "seqpi_e" "t1"      "t2"      "t3"      "Vx"      "x"       "xi"      "xi_sqrt" "xif"     "y"     

## Set your graphics device to record history if desired. 86 graphs are produced.

## You may want par(mfrow=c(1,2))

## NB : In R 3.5 there is no bigint by default,however there are 22 digits of accuracy.

## See my usage of BIGINT in Powershell

## For this work I used Microsoft Open R 3.5 with Intel's MKL (Math Kernel Library)