Some of the Age and Precinct charting code updated 12:55 PM 12/29/201 -RMF
Political piece will be here. Output differentiated from R (3.12) code with text color red.
voterdb121914 <- read.delim("C:/Politics/12.19.14.txt", header = TRUE, strip.white = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# voterdb121914$LastUpdateDate <- as.Date(strsplit(voterdb121914[1,38]," ")[[1]][1])
voterdb121914$LastUpdateDate <- ymd_hms(voterdb121914[,38])
voterdb121914$BallotCounted_1 <- as.numeric(voterdb121914[,33])
voterdb121914$BallotCounted_2 <- as.numeric(voterdb121914[,34])
voterdb121914$BallotCounted_3 <- as.numeric(voterdb121914[,35])
colSums(voterdb121914[33:35],na.rm = TRUE)
# Where GE totals respectively are 2014,2013,2012
BallotCounted_1 BallotCounted_2 BallotCounted_3
75954 67396 94302
colSums(subset(voterdb121914,LastUpdateDate < "2014-11-24 23:59:59 UTC")[,33:35],na.rm = TRUE)
# Where GE totals respectively are 2014,2013,2012
BallotCounted_1 BallotCounted_2 BallotCounted_3
73372 65435 91144
voterdb_r <- subset(voterdb,LastUpdateDate <= "2014-11-24 23:59:59 UTC")
voterdb_a <- arrange(count(voterdb_r$StatusReason),desc(freq))
# So from GE Certification Date (11-24-2014):
x freq
1 16363
2 Third Party Change of Address (In-County) 15365
3 Re-registration; no changes 14730
4 Original Registration 13911
5 Added by WEI Statewide Online Reg 13666
6 A - Phone/Email update from ballot envelope 10842
7 Re-registration due to Address change 9835
8 Updated by WEI Statewide ACS 7226
9 Office Correction 7071
10 Address Updated by WEI Addr Chg 6663
11 Precinct Line Adjustment 2757
12 Re-registration due to Name change 1115
13 Name Updated by WEI Statewide Addr Chg 818
14 Name/Address Updated by WEI Statewide Addr Chg 717
15 Confirmed 3PCOA (In-County) 334
16 Verification Notice Returned 260
17 Z - Re-registration due to Seasonal Update Card 208
18 Re-Registration due to Name & Address Change 180
19 Confirm by voter 132
20 Re-registration; Signed Petition 35
21 Z - Cancel (Inactive List) 26
22 Cancel 45 Day No Contact 5
23 Confirmed 3PCOA (Undeliverable) 2
24 Confirmed 3PCOA (Out-of-County) 1
25 Pending due to Citizenship 1
26 Pending due to missing Physical Address 1
27 Registered in another State 1
28 Requested by Voter 1
29 Third Party Change of Address (Out-of-County) 1
30 Third Party Change of Address (Undeliverable) 1
31 Z - Cancelled - Transfer per OSoS 1
32 Z - Original Registration - No I.D. 1
[1] 122270
voterdb_b <- arrange(count(voterdb$StatusReason),desc(freq))
# From date of voter history - 12/19/2014 :
x freq
1 Third Party Change of Address (In-County) 17007
2 16363
3 Re-registration; no changes 15577
4 Added by WEI Statewide Online Reg 14861
5 Original Registration 14158
6 A - Phone/Email update from ballot envelope 11017
7 Re-registration due to Address change 10297
8 Updated by WEI Statewide ACS 7802
9 Address Updated by WEI Addr Chg 7400
10 Office Correction 7207
11 Precinct Line Adjustment 2757
12 Re-registration due to Name change 1157
13 Name Updated by WEI Statewide Addr Chg 862
14 Name/Address Updated by WEI Statewide Addr Chg 759
15 Confirmed 3PCOA (In-County) 339
16 Verification Notice Returned 265
17 Z - Re-registration due to Seasonal Update Card 208
18 Confirm by voter 190
19 Re-Registration due to Name & Address Change 188
20 Re-registration; Signed Petition 35
21 Z - Cancel (Inactive List) 26
22 Cancel 45 Day No Contact 5
23 Confirmed 3PCOA (Undeliverable) 2
24 Confirmed 3PCOA (Out-of-County) 1
25 Pending due to Citizenship 1
26 Pending due to missing Physical Address 1
27 Registered in another State 1
28 Requested by Voter 1
29 Third Party Change of Address (Out-of-County) 1
30 Third Party Change of Address (Undeliverable) 1
31 Z - Cancelled - Transfer per OSoS 1
32 Z - Original Registration - No I.D. 1
[1] 128491
# Last Update Frequencies per Year as of 12/19/2014
LUD_freq <- data.frame(xtabs(~year(ymd_hms(as.character(voterdb$LastUpdateDate)))),data=voterdb))
colnames(LUD_freq) <- c("Year","Freq")
Year Freq
1 2005 21051
2 2006 3314
3 2007 3164
4 2008 12779
5 2009 4977
6 2010 8734
7 2011 7444
8 2012 12629
9 2013 18075
10 2014 36324
# See chart above; For Updates until 11/24/2014 - date of cert.
title("Number of Last Updates for sum(voterdb_b$freq) registered voters")
voterdb2014 <- subset(voterdb,year(ymd_hms(as.character(voterdb$LastUpdateDate))) == "2014")
x freq
1 A - Phone/Email update from ballot envelope 7673
2 Third Party Change of Address (In-County) 6140
3 Added by WEI Statewide Online Reg 4893
4 Address Updated by WEI Addr Chg 3416
5 Updated by WEI Statewide ACS 2798
6 Precinct Line Adjustment 2757
7 Original Registration 2727
8 Re-registration; no changes 2001
9 Re-registration due to Address change 1758
10 Office Correction 1295
11 Name Updated by WEI Statewide Addr Chg 221
12 Name/Address Updated by WEI Statewide Addr Chg 204
13 Confirm by voter 190
14 Re-registration due to Name change 94
15 Confirmed 3PCOA (In-County) 75
16 Verification Notice Returned 43
17 Re-Registration due to Name & Address Change 38
18 Third Party Change of Address (Out-of-County) 1
#Function to table LastUpdateDate per each of 2014,2013,2012 GE
SRperYear <- function(x)
arrange(count(subset(voterdb,year(ymd_hms(as.character(voterdb$LastUpdateDate))) == x,select=StatusReason)),desc(freq))
SR2014 <- SRperYear(2014)
SR2013 <- SRperYear(2013)
SR2012 <- SRperYear(2012)
# Merge and examine the difference
df1 <- arrange(merge(merge(SR2012,SR2013, by = "StatusReason",all=TRUE),SR2014,by = "StatusReason",all=TRUE),desc(freq))
colnames(df1) <- c("StatusReason","2012","2013","2014")
StatusReason 2012 2013 2014
1 A - Phone/Email update from ballot envelope NA 3344 7673
2 Third Party Change of Address (In-County) 1702 3114 6140
3 Added by WEI Statewide Online Reg 2639 2551 4893
4 Address Updated by WEI Addr Chg 1163 2222 3416
5 Updated by WEI Statewide ACS 1050 2034 2798
6 Precinct Line Adjustment NA NA 2757
7 Original Registration 2352 1720 2727
8 Re-registration; no changes 1452 857 2001
9 Re-registration due to Address change 1177 996 1758
10 Office Correction 205 619 1295
11 Name Updated by WEI Statewide Addr Chg 273 200 221
12 Name/Address Updated by WEI Statewide Addr Chg 271 145 204
13 Confirm by voter NA NA 190
14 Re-registration due to Name change 155 76 94
15 Confirmed 3PCOA (In-County) 61 59 75
16 Verification Notice Returned 28 1 43
17 Re-Registration due to Name & Address Change 60 26 38
18 Third Party Change of Address (Out-of-County) NA NA 1
19 NA 1 NA
20 Cancel 45 Day No Contact NA 5 NA
21 Confirmed 3PCOA (Undeliverable) NA 2 NA
22 Pending due to missing Physical Address 1 NA NA
23 Re-registration; Signed Petition 19 NA NA
24 Z - Cancel (Inactive List) NA 26 NA
25 Z - Original Registration - No I.D. 1 NA NA
26 Z - Re-registration due to Seasonal Update Card 20 77 NA
2012 2013 2014
12629 18075 36324
# Code only below:
jpeg_create <- function() {
systime <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
jpeg(filename = systime,
width = 1024, height = 768, units = "px", pointsize = 12,
quality = 100, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", restoreConsole = TRUE,
type = c("windows"))
voterdb121914 <- read.delim("C:/Politics/12.19.14.txt", header = TRUE, strip.white = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# voterdb121914$LastUpdateDate <- as.Date(strsplit(voterdb121914[1,38]," ")[[1]][1])
voterdb121914$LastUpdateDate <- ymd_hms(voterdb121914[,38])
voterdb121914$BallotCounted_1 <- as.numeric(voterdb121914[,33])
voterdb121914$BallotCounted_2 <- as.numeric(voterdb121914[,34])
voterdb121914$BallotCounted_3 <- as.numeric(voterdb121914[,35])
colSums(voterdb121914[33:35],na.rm = TRUE)
colSums(subset(voterdb121914,LastUpdateDate < "2014-11-24 23:59:59 UTC")[,33:35],na.rm = TRUE)
voterdb <- voterdb121914
voterdb_r <- subset(voterdb,LastUpdateDate <= "2014-11-24 23:59:59 UTC")
voterdb_a <- arrange(count(voterdb_r$StatusReason),desc(freq))
voterdb_b <- arrange(count(voterdb$StatusReason),desc(freq))
LUD_freq <- data.frame(xtabs(~(year(ymd_hms(as.character(voterdb$LastUpdateDate)))),data=voterdb))
colnames(LUD_freq) <- c("Year","Freq")
# LUD_freq
# Year Freq
#1 2005 21051
#2 2006 3314
#3 2007 3164
#4 2008 12779
#5 2009 4977
#6 2010 8734
#7 2011 7444
#8 2012 12629
#9 2013 18075
#10 2014 36324
title("Number of Last Updates for sum(voterdb_b$freq) registered voters")
voterdb2014 <- subset(voterdb,year(ymd_hms(as.character(voterdb$LastUpdateDate))) == "2014")
#By Precinct
# All WC
t1P <- data.frame(xtabs(~PrecinctID,data=voterdb2014))
barplot(arrange(t1P,desc(Freq))[1:30,2],names.arg=arrange(t1P,desc(Freq))[1:30,1],xlab="All Whatcom County",las=2,cex.names=.8)
# 42nd Only
ld42 <- read.csv("Precinct42.csv")
t2P <- data.frame(xtabs(~PrecinctID,data=subset(voterdb2014,PrecinctID %in% ld42$precincts42)))
barplot(arrange(t2P,desc(Freq))[1:30,2],names.arg=arrange(t2P,desc(Freq))[1:30,1],xlab="42nd Only",las=2,cex.names=.8)
t3P <- merge(t1P,t2P,by="PrecinctID",all=TRUE)
colnames(t3P) <- c("PrecinctID","AllWC","x42nd")
t3P$PrecinctID <- as.integer(as.character(t3P$PrecinctID))
t3P <- arrange(t3P,desc(AllWC))
barplot(t3P[,2],col="blue",names.arg=t3P[,1],las=2,cex.names=.5,ylim=c(0,800),xlab="Precincts Updated in 2014 40th(blue) vs. 42nd(red)",ylab="Freq");
t30P <- arrange(t3P,desc(AllWC))[1:30,]
colnames(t30P) <- c("PrecinctID","AllWC","x42nd")
xlab="Top 30 Precincts Updated in 2014 40th(blue) vs. 42nd (red)",ylab="Freq");
#By Age
# All WC
t1A <- data.frame(xtabs(~as.numeric(year(now()) - year(mdy(as.character(voterdb2014$BirthDate)))),data=voterdb2014))
colnames(t1A) <- c("Age","Freq")
t1A$Age <- as.integer(as.character(t1A$Age))
barplot(arrange(t1A,desc(Freq))[1:30,2],names.arg=arrange(t1A,desc(Freq))[1:30,1],xlab="Top 30 Age Groups Updated in 2014 All WC",las=2,cex.names=.8)
# 42nd Only
ld42 <- read.csv("Precinct42.csv")
x42 <- subset(voterdb2014,PrecinctID %in% ld42$precincts42)
t2A <- data.frame(xtabs(~as.numeric(year(now()) - year(mdy(as.character(x42$BirthDate)))),data=x42))
colnames(t2A) <- c("Age","Freq")
t2A$Age <- as.integer(as.character(t2A$Age))
barplot(arrange(t2A,desc(Freq))[1:30,2],names.arg=arrange(t2A,desc(Freq))[1:30,1],xlab="Top 30 Age Groups Updated in 2014 in 42nd Only",las=2,cex.names=.8)
t3A <- data.frame(cbind("AllWC"=t1A," 42ndOnly"=t2A))
plot(t3A[,1:2],pch = 19,col="blue",type="p",xlab="Top Age Groups Updated in 2014 All WC(blue) vs. 42nd Only(red)",ylab="Freq")
points(t3A[,3:4],pch = 19,col="red")
# By Status Reason
arrange(count(subset(voterdb,year(ymd_hms(as.character(voterdb$LastUpdateDate))) == "2014",select=StatusReason)),desc(freq))
SRperYear <- function(x)
arrange(count(subset(voterdb,year(ymd_hms(as.character(voterdb$LastUpdateDate))) == x,select=StatusReason)),desc(freq))
SR2014 <- SRperYear(2014)
SR2013 <- SRperYear(2013)
SR2012 <- SRperYear(2012)
df1 <- arrange(merge(merge(SR2012,SR2013, by = "StatusReason",all=TRUE),SR2014,by = "StatusReason",all=TRUE),desc(freq))
colnames(df1) <- c("StatusReason","2012","2013","2014")
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