R, Julia, SQL, Octave and others: Personal notes on data analysis, computation, data access most especially for querying voter history, Census, PDC, and other election data. Reader is advised to just paste the code text into Notepad++.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Function for using RM80 to detect/compare CSV data
RM80 <- function() {
# RMF Media/ RMF Network Security 7:00 PM 3/20/2014. Tested on R 3.03
# Takes three CSV samples (One Control and Two Samples) from Aware Electronics RM-80 GM Counter.
# Configured to read data from "1 TBU per line" for any Time Base Unit
# Samples must have headers repleace with "Time" and "MicroRads_HR" like this:
# Time MicroRads_HR
#1 41715.85 10.17
#2 41715.85 15.25
# ...
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Hallquist script to show memory use...
A really nice script to show memory use of objects by Michael Hallquist :
showMemoryUse <- function(sort="size", decreasing=FALSE, limit) {
objectList <- ls(parent.frame())
oneKB <- 1024
oneMB <- 1048576
oneGB <- 1073741824
memoryUse <- sapply(objectList, function(x) as.numeric(object.size(eval(parse(text=x)))))
memListing <- sapply(memoryUse, function(size) {
if (size >= oneGB) return(paste(round(size/oneGB,2), "GB"))
else if (size >= oneMB) return(paste(round(size/oneMB,2), "MB"))
else if (size >= oneKB) return(paste(round(size/oneKB,2), "kB"))
else return(paste(size, "bytes"))
memListing <- data.frame(objectName=names(memListing),memorySize=memListing,row.names=NULL)
if (sort=="alphabetical") memListing <- memListing[order(memListing$objectName,decreasing=decreasing),]
else memListing <- memListing[order(memoryUse,decreasing=decreasing),] #will run if sort not specified or "size"
if(!missing(limit)) memListing <- memListing[1:limit,]
print(memListing, row.names=FALSE)
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Using Options in R
To list all options is R:
> as.matrix(.Options[1:length(.Options)])
> as.matrix(.Options[1:length(.Options)])