Saturday, July 27, 2019

Some PDC Contribution queries: Lovelett vs Blackwood 40th LD as of July 27 2019

 Some (limited) PDC Contribution queries: Lovelett vs Blackwood 40th LD as of July 27 2019 . Data from  below the break. These numbers can change quickly with new reporting. Make sure to understand how I have limited the queries. -RMF

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Divining come and gone voters from two different data slices four months apart

# Divining come and gone voters from two different data slices four months apart
# Set proper paths for your data and data sets
# fread chokes on too many columns thus a workaround with rbind
# RMF 07/14/2019
# This is designed to be memory efficient non SQL
