Some (limited) PDC Contribution queries: Lovelett vs Blackwood 40th LD as of July 27 2019 . Data from below the break. These numbers can change quickly with new reporting. Make sure to understand how I have limited the queries. -RMF
R, Julia, SQL, Octave and others: Personal notes on data analysis, computation, data access most especially for querying voter history, Census, PDC, and other election data. Reader is advised to just paste the code text into Notepad++.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Divining come and gone voters from two different data slices four months apart
# Divining come and gone voters from two different data slices four months apart
# Set proper paths for your data and data sets
# fread chokes on too many columns thus a workaround with rbind
# RMF 07/14/2019
# This is designed to be memory efficient non SQL
# Set proper paths for your data and data sets
# fread chokes on too many columns thus a workaround with rbind
# RMF 07/14/2019
# This is designed to be memory efficient non SQL