R, Julia, SQL, Octave and others: Personal notes on data analysis, computation, data access most especially for querying voter history, Census, PDC, and other election data. Reader is advised to just paste the code text into Notepad++.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Monday, February 8, 2016
This was quite a project. Learning to show voting results with plot3D in rgl is a breakthrough.
This post (VoterDensity.r) provides the .GlobalEnv for VoterDensity_000.r, VoterDensity_001.r, VoterDensity_002.r, VoterDensity_003.r. You will need the data files MB.11.24.15.FINAL.txt and 20151103_WhatcomPrecincts.csv. You can email me if you need them.
# VoterDensity_002.r
# Needs .GlobalEnv derived from VoterDensity.r
# 3D charts with rgl and plot3D
# Needs .GlobalEnv derived from VoterDensity.r
# 3D charts with rgl and plot3D